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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
Silica Enhanced high temperature oil well cement systems based on particle
packing theory
Xueyu Pang, Jiankun Qin
Honglu Wang
China University of Petroleum, China
As the oil and gas exploration moves towards deep wells and
ultra-deep wells, the operators are increasingly demanding
high temperature stability of the cement. This presentation
mainly focuses on investigating the high temperature strength
stability of set cement. Oil well cement systems suitable for
high temperature applications were produced by adding
silica admixtures with different particle sizes, whose dosages
were optimized based on particle packing theory. Set cement
samples cured under high temperature and high-pressure
environment at 200
C and 50MPa for different durations of 7,
14 and 30 days were prepared and analyzed. The engineering
properties of different formulations were evaluated based
on standard API testing methods, such as thickening time,
fluid loss, sedimentation stability, compressive strength and
permeability etc. Additionally, continuous ultrasonic strength
testing and XRD phase analysis were conducted to study
the cement strength evolution as a function of time and the
mechanismof strength retrogression under high temperature
and high-pressure conditions. Test results indicate that the
addition of fine silica particles such as silica fume helps to
improve particle packing of the cement mixture and thereby
improve engineering properties of the formation such as fluid
loss and strength stability. Research outcome from this paper
may help provide scientific ground for improving cementing
quality in deep wells, ultra-deep wells and other complex
conditions and achieving long-term zonal isolation in oil and
gas wells.
x.pang@upc.edu.cnJ Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-015