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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
Appraisal of key operational parameters in a large-scale steam flood pilots in Kuwait
Heavy Oil field
Yacob Alali
, Abdullah Al-Rabah
Chonghui Shen
Kuwait Oil Company KOC, Kuwait
Shell Oil, Kuwait
he first phase of development of the viscous oil resources
of Kuwait is planned to be delivered through cyclic steam
and steam flood technology. The objective of this study is to
evaluate the impact of steam flood operational parameters
(steam pressure, injection rates, steam quality) on the
recovery performance, aiming tomaximize oil recovery whilst
lowering operating cost.
Based on a dynamic simulation model, which was calibrated
with field data of the pilots, a study using a sensitivity analysis
tool was conducted to evaluate steam flood operational
parameters for two adjacent steam flood pilots. The model
covers multiple pilots with different well spacing and
depletion intervals in a common area, so that the effects of
interference can be included and evaluated. An objective
function of Cumulative Net Oil (CNO) has been used to
evaluate the impact of various key operational parameters on
the pilot performance.
Based on different sets of study cases conducted from the
sensitivity analysis, it was observed that the producer bottom
holepressure is keyparameter tooptimize theCumulativeNet
Oil (CNO) in the steam flood operation. From this study, the
pilots steam flood performance (CNO) could be potentially
improved from the pre-steam flood forecast base case by
changing the setting of the injection rate, producer bottom
hole pressure, injection bottom hole pressure and steam
decline rate. In this study, the values of the CNO improved
about 40% for 10-acre pattern and 36% for 5-acre pattern,
The study summarizes how the sensitivity analysis can be
used to evaluate the impact of key operational parameters in
a steam flood operation and to help the decision making for
current and future thermal commercial projects.
yfali@kockw.comJ Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-015