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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-015
Digital rock technology and artificial intelligence for Reservoir application
Caroline Mignot
Geologist at Ingrain, Brazil
il and gas is one of many sectors of industry to adapt
to the smart revolution. In a market driven by the
pressure of increasing production while keeping costs down,
new technologies are rising as solution for time and money
reductions and more today with big influence toward age of
digital transformation. Currently circumstances are turning
oil and gas industry to rush for automation of sampling and
reservoir rock analysis process, by applying tools such as big
data analysis by Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and
digitalrocktechnology.Thedigitalizationofrocks in3Dvolume
along with computation of petrophysical properties, and
cluster of data, is increasing the understanding of formations
in multi-scale resolution, breaking through the challenges of
complex pore systems reservoirs. The integration of data from
macro to micro scale, can reduce uncertainties in production
and reduce time during a reservoir formation evaluation
making use of all the trend technologies mentioned above.
The current work has the goal to present a new workflow of
smart digital technology, developed by Ingrain-Halliburton
to optimize evaluation process. The different solutions will
be addressed with case studies in reservoir rocks applied by