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Volume 2



June 11-13, 2018 | London, UK

Neurology and Neuroscience



International Conference on


eurogenetic disorders are a frequent reason for medical

consultation in pediatric neurology service. Clinical

variability and genetic heterogeneity are the whole mark of

these diseases. Despite extensive metabolic and radiologic

workup, the diagnostic yield has been disappointingly low.

Whole exome sequencing (WES) has substantially accelerated

the pace of discovery of disease associated genes and ending

the diagnostic odyssey for many disorders. The diagnostic yield

of WES is approximately around 30% in neurogenetic disorders.

The diagnostic yield of 220 patients with various neurogenetic

disease from highly consanguineous families evaluated in our

center revealed a 25% pathogenic variants and 29% variant of

unknown significance. The analysis of WES remains challenging.

Determining whether this variant is disease causing or not is

not an easy task and it requires cumulative level of evidence

to ascertain pathogenicity. The ACMG/AMP guidelines

attempts to ensure evidence-based interpretation of variants

by considering multiple categories of data including allele

frequency, computational prediction tools, functional studies

that include cell lines or animal models, segregation studies and

gene specific information (Hoskinson, Dubuc et al. 2017).

Here we will shed some light on the challenges of variant

interpretation with some clinical cases illustration, we will

discuss the limitation of NGS testing as a stand alone test, the

clinician role in the rapidly expanding genomic medicine, the

importance of deep clinical phenotyping and we will share our

experience in WES in our neurogenetic clinic

Speaker Biography

Aqeela Al-Hashim,obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from

King Faisal University in 2002, then she obtained her Saudi Board and Arab Board of

Pediatrics last 2008 after finishing her pediatric residency program in Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia. She obtained her certificate of Royal College of Physician and Surgeon of Canada

in child neurology (FRCPC) last 2015. She did Neurogenetics fellowship in clinical and

molecular genetics research at the Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto, Canada. She

is currently working as a consultant in pediatric neurology / neurogenetics at King

Fahad medical city in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia. She was awarded the very prestigious John

Prichard Prize for her research in Toronto. This prize resulted from her work in Corpus

callosum abnormalities. Her main research interest is translational research mainly in

genomic medicine, with utilization of functional molecular genetic studies to validate

novel genetic variations in neurogenetic disorders.



Aqeela Al-Hashim

King Fahad Medical City, UAE

Utilization Of NGS data in Neurogenetic Disorders