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Volume 2

June 11-13, 2018 | London, UK

Neurology and Neuroscience



International Conference on

Shingles, an unusual cause of stroke

Kerry Badger, Ruth A Mizoguchi


Vongai Mugadza

Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, UK


ZV (Varicella Zoster Virus) infection in humans is a

well-documented entity that is linked to numerous

neurological complications, including intraceberal vasculitis.

This can lead to ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke and is a

major cause of morbidity and mortality. This complication

is more common in immunocompromised or elderly

individuals. We present a case of haemorrhagic stroke

presenting in an individual with recent onset VZV reactivation.

An 83-year-old woman, who was previously living independently,

presented to hospital with an acute onset of delirium and

expressive dysphasia. This presentation was on the background of

a 3 weeks history of an evolving vesicular rash in the dermatomal

distribution of the ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve,


on oral acyclovir 3 days prior to admission and initial diagnosis

of delirium secondary to herpes zoster infection was made.

On admission, she scored 4 /10 on the abbreviated mental

test score (AMTS), had a positive Hutchinson’s sign and an

unremarkable neurological examination. Laboratory testing

showed raised inflammatory markers. Subsequent CT and MR

brain imaging revealed a right temporal lobe haemorrhage with

interventricular extension. Further imaging of the CT angiogram

showed widespread vessel narrowing, consistent with vasculitis

or a differential diagnosis of widespread atheromatous disease.

Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was

positive for VZV and further vasculitic screening including ANA and

ANCAwas negative. Adiagnosis of haemorrhagic stroke secondary

to varicella zoster vasculitis was made and the patient was treated

with high dose intravenous methylprednisolone and acyclovir.

It is important to consider viral induced cerebral vasculitis

in susceptible patient groups as a cause of stroke. Correctly

identifying patients presenting with this complication

allows treatment with steroids and anti-viral agents that

have been found to increase chances of a better prognosis.

Speaker Biography

Kerry Badger is a Foundation Doctor currently working at Chelsea and Westminster

Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. She achieved a Bachelor of Medical Sciences in

2015 and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 2017, both from the University of

Nottingham. She has a developing interest in neurology and has recently completed a

rotation on a combined stroke, neurology and geriatric ward.
