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Volume 2

June 11-13, 2018 | London, UK

Neurology and Neuroscience



International Conference on

Cancer stem cell resistance against temozolomide in glioblastoma multiforma treatment

Meryem Alagoz

Biruni University, Turkey


lioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and

aggressive form of malignant brain tumour. GBM patient

lifespan is extend upto 24 months. Treatment of this disease

become the greatest challenge due to complexity of tumour

and numerous mechanisms involving drug resistance. Magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrates that remaining few

cancer cells were not affected by the aggressive treatment

which implicates heterogenousity of cancer cell population in

GBM. During routine patient follow-up, MRI showed survival

of cancer cells after treatments. TMZ- resistant cells have

different characteristics from cancer cells in the heterogeneous

cell population. Further analysis indicates some physiological

and biological proporties of stem cells such as markers and


(TMZ) in Glioblastoma chemotherapy cause DNA damage by

adding the methyl group to DNA bases which stall damaged

cells at G2 / M cell cycle and consequently result in apoptosis.

Damage is repaired by O6-methylguanine methyltransferase

(MGMT) enzyme. In GBM patients, high expression of enzyme

is associated with resistance. Other mechanism causing TMZ

cytotoxicity could be due to cancer stem cells (CSC). In this

study, our aim is to make GBM therapy more effective by

investigating the role of GBM stem cells in drug resistance.

Firstly,characterization of CSC are determined with CD133 and

Sox1 protein expressions. Additionally, cytotoxicity of TMZ is

compared between CSC and differentiated cancer cells. The

results showed higher resistance of CSC to temozolomide. The

results of this study suggest that to improve parient’s outcome,

CSC resistance needs to be targeted for more effective


Speaker Biography

Meryem Alagoz completed her BSc studies in Medical Biology at Cerrahpasa

Medical School, and pursued her MSc studies in Molecular Biology and Genetic

Engineering at University of Sussex. She attained her PhD from University of Sussex.

Her PhD project work involved the investigation of genetic alterations in human

breast and ovarian cancer. She had worked as a Post-doctoral research fellow at

Kings College and Imperial College. She worked at Sussex University for 7 years as

a research fellow and still collaborating with them for my research. She have been

investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of human

diseases such as cancer and brain. She has been working as an assistant professor

at Molecular Biology and Genetics department of Biruni University since February

2017. She have been setting up the research and diagnostic laboratories at the

Genome centre..In near future, she would like to focus on DNA damage and repair

field where I gained extensive experience during my studies and research. She will

employ these experiences to research into broader area of genetic disorders.
