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Volume 2

June 11-13, 2018 | London, UK

Neurology and Neuroscience



International Conference on

The 5 Ds of Lewy Body Dementia, global physician and nursing knowledge or lack of, treatment

methods and new scientific discoveries in the last decade

Esperanza Hansen Gonzalez

Magnolia Park Assisted Living, USA


t is possible for any patient suffering fromLewy BodyDementia

to be misdiagnosed and poorly treated or managed at any

given time in any medical setting We could visit any emergency

room in America or the rest of the world and see it happening.

Most physicians that began their practice 10 to 20 years ago

may have never heard LBD before. One could say is the new

Leprosy of biblical times. this would be due to no one accepting

a combative patient in their assisted living setting. Some

doctors believe they have to wait til the patient dies to obtain

a biopsy of the brain in order to diagnose the LBD. They have

never heard of the McKeith Criteria or the last revised Lewy

Body Dementia Fourth consensus report of the LBD Consortium

of 2013. It is over the last decade that research has shed light

on the disease process. Today, we have new testing that aids in

the differentiation of even the type of Lewy Body Dementia.

Is it just Lewy Body or does it have a Parkinson component or

a variant of it. As I nurse I see many dementias and subtypes

of them. I have cared for my patients twenty four hours a day

seven days a week for the last eighteen years and a half. I have

come to understand the disease process with all its variants

close and personal. My biggest obstacle in giving quality of life

to my patients is the doctor or nurse. The generation I have

served are from the generation who do and believe everything

the doctor tells them with no questions asked. It is important

to get all your ducks in a row. For this reason I accompany my

patients to the doctors appointments or ER visits. The first D

then is the doctor. Once the right doctor is in place all the other

Ds fall in place. The right doctor will order the right diagnostics.

The right diagnostics will lead to the right diagnosis. The right

diagnosis will allow for the right drug. The right drug will lead

to better management of the disease. With all of the Ds in

order the doctor, pt and family can decide on the right course

of treatment. Lewy Body dementia and Parkinson’s with Lewy

Bodies can have overlapping clinical presentations and some

controversy still exists during diagnosis or differentiation. Given

the difficulties in cognition, extra pyramidal function, and

psychiatric health, management can be complex and should be

systematic. By using the Five Ds of Dementia I have been able to

assist many families in their caring journeys.

Speaker Biography

Esperanza Hansen Gonzalez passion and compassion for geriatrics was awakened

when her mother abandoned her at the age of 8 years in the village where she grew

up among elderly women. The women there self-treated their ailments. Esperanza

quickly learned the skill of injecting others. She would later trade it for shelter. Then

she immigrated to California’s central valley at 16 years of age where she learned

English and pursued a nursing career. She is a graduate of the College of Sequoias,

where she earned an A.S. in nursing. She went on to practice in the various local

hospitals and home health agencies until 1999 when she earned an A.S. in nursing

from New York Regents University. The same year she became a Registered Nurse

in the state of California and was recruited to care for the terminally ill as a Nurse

Case Manager and Hospice Educator. She cared for terminally ill patients who

were primarily elderly. There she discovered most geriatric patients had a form

of dementia beyond the primary terminal diagnosis, but which was not identified

in the clinical picture. It was there that she developed the 5 D’s of Dementia.
