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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Epidermoid cyst located in the fourth ventricle: Case report
Wei-Yang Chen
Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taiwan
64-year-old woman with no significant past medical history
was evaluated for dizziness and unsteady gait for two
months. There was no history of headache, vomiting, tinnitus,
difficulty in hearing and limb weakness. Examinations revealed
no neurological deficit. Cerebellar signs were absent. Plain
and CEMRI brain revealed an epidermoid cyst in the fourth
ventricle and anteriorly compressing the pons andmedulla. The
lesion also extends to bilateral foramens of Luschka. Through
a suboccipital craniectomy, the encapsulated epidermal cyst,
developed from the fourth ventricle, could be totally removed
without any attachment to the floor of the fourth ventricle. The
histopathological study showed capsular tissue rich in keratin
and protein, findings consistent with epidermoid cyst. There
were no complications in the postoperative period and the
patient developed clinically well during follow-up of six months.