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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Impact of Endoscopic Gross Total Resection of Colloid Cysts on memory & quality of life
Sivashanmugam Dhandapani, Rajat Verma, Sameer Vyas, Sunil K. Gupta, Manju Dhandapani, Aanchal Sharma
Manju Mohanty
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India
Colloid cysts of third ventricle has conventionally
been managed with microsurgery. Endoscopic surgery is
increasingly being adopted with variable results. This study
is to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic surgery among
these in relation to memory impairments and quality of life.
Patients of colloid cysts who underwent endoscopic
surgery were studied with respect to demographics, clinico-
radiological features and extent of resection in MRI at 3
months. Memory impairments were assessed using PGIMS
and quality of life using WHOQOL-BREF, considering patients
with microscopic resection or stand-alone VP shunt as
controls. Appropriate statistical analyses were performed.
There was a total of 19 patients who underwent
endoscopic surgery, with a mean age of 35 years. The mean
maximum diameter of cysts was 19 mm. Gross total resection
could be achieved in all. In the mean follow-up of 37 months,
none of the patients had recurrence or ventriculomegaly.
There was non-significant trend of better memory scores
overall following endoscopic surgery, while minor impairment
in recent memory was noted in only 1 patient. The mean QOL
score was better after endoscopic surgery (297.6), compared
to microscopic (282.4) and VP shunt (250.9) controls. The
scores were significantly better in social domain of QOL after
endoscopic surgery, and non-significant among other domains.
Gross total resection rate of colloid cysts
is near 100% after endoscopic surgery. While memory
improved overall, quality of life is better than after
either microscopic surgery or stand-alone VP shunt.