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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Basal Ganglionic Lesions in Egyptian children: Radiological findings in correlation with etiology and
clinical manifestations
Shora Y. Darwish; Sayed A. El Zayat, Mohamed F. Abdelmotey; Hassan K. Gad; Hossam M. Emam; Mohie El din T. Mohamed
Hamada I. Zehry
Al-Azhar University, Egypt
In childhood, the metabolic activity of the
basal ganglia is greater, and they are particularly prone to
injury. Damage to the basal ganglia cells may cause problems
controlling speech, movement, consciousness, muscle tone,
posture and cognition.
Aim of the study:
To determine the etiology of basal ganglionic
disorders in a sample of Egyptian children.
A cross sectional observational study was utilized on
34 patients attended at the Pediatric Neuro Outpatient Unit of
Neurology department at f Al-Azhar University Hospitals during
a period of one year from the beginning of November 2014 to
the end of November 2015. A specialized pediatric neurological
sheet, Cognitive assessment in children using Stanford-
Binet Intelligence Scale and Laboratory investigations were
performed. The included patients were classified according to
MRI into two groups; ganglionic group that included patients
with isolated basal ganglionic lesions (n=23) and para-ganglionic
group that included patients with combined ganglionic as well
as para-ganglionic lesions (n=11).
The frequency of male patients was slightly higher
than the female patients in both groups without significant
difference (13 (56.5%) versus 6 (43.5%) and 10 (54.5%) versus 5
(45.5%), in ganglionic and para-ganglionic groups, respectively).
acute ischemic stroke was the most frequent cause, which was
found in 12 (35.3%) cases, followed by 10 (29.4%) hadmetabolic
and infectious causes, and lastly 2 (5.9%) had toxic causes.
The incidence of toxic causes (CO poisoning) was significantly
higher among ganglionic group compared to para-ganglionic
group (2(8.7%) versus 0(0.0%), respectively). According to brain
MRI imaging, bilateral basal ganglion affection was the most
frequent lesions among ganglionic group 16 (69.7%). while
temporal affection (temporal were2 (18.2%), tempro-parietal
were2 (18.2%) and tempro-occipital was 1 (9.1%) was the most
frequent lesions among para-ganglionic group5 (45.5%).
Acute ischemic stroke was themost frequent cause
of basal ganglionic lesion in a sample of Egyptian children.