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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
The effect of auriculotherapy on stress, anxiety, and depression in ms patients: A double blind
randomized clinical control trial (parallel design)
Mahboubeh Valiani, Fereshteh Ashtari
Marjan Mansourian
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
MS is one of the central nervous system diseases,
which is of relatively high prevalence among neurological
diseases. Multiple studies have shown that stressful life is
associated with an increased risk of MS. The aim of this study
is to investigate the impact of using the auriculotherapy
technique on stress, anxiety, and depression in MS patients.
Materials and Methods:
This study was a double blind
randomized clinical trial in two groups. The sample size was
estimated to be 64 subjects in each group. The Center for MS
at Kashani hospital in the Province of Isfahan was the location
of research. DASS-21 questionnaire was completed before,
after and one month after intervention. The auriculotherapy
technique began in the intervention group and at the end
of each session, herbal vaccaria seeds were fixed at three
main points on the ear, for at least 3 days. All the tests were
carried out using the SPSS19 software at an error level of 5%.
The results showed that the mean score of stress,
anxiety and depression decreased in the auriculotherapy group
compared with that in the placebo group. The analysis of
variance showedsignificant differencesbetween the twogroups
after intervention and one month later (P <0.05). Whereas the
stress, anxiety and depression score had not undergone any
significant changes before intervention in two groups (P>0.05).
Auriculotherapy as a safe and effective technique
reduced stress, anxiety, and depression in MS patients.