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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Prediction of progression in individuals with subjective cognitive decline using cortical thinning
Eun Ye Lim
The Catholic University of Korea, South Korea
e evaluated the differences of cortical thinning
patterns in individuals with SCD those who progressed
to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or AD [pSCD], those who
remained stable [sSCD], and healthy normal controls (NC).
Methods: We retrospectively recruited SCD subjects (14
pSCD, 21 sSCD) and 29 normal controls. Structural 3D-T1
weighted MRI was performed on single 1.5 Tesla scanner.
Free surfer software was used to obtain maps of cortical
thickness for group comparisons. Results: Compared to
NC group, the sSCD group showed diffuse cortical atrophy
through bilateral fronto-parieto-temporal area. The pSCD
group showed more characteristic cortical atrophy in AD-
vulnerable regions including the inferior parieto-temporal,
middle temporal area. When the sSCD and pSCD subjects
were compared, the former showed cortical thinning in
bilateral medial frontal areas and the latter in right inferior
temporal and left precentral areas. Conclusion: Our study
showed that SCD subjects exhibit different cortical thinning
patterns depending on their future prognosis.