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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
International Conference on
Journal of Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2
Isolation and characterization of cold lactose hydrolyzing enzyme from Psychrophilic bacteria
Mulugeta Hailu
Mekelle University, Ethiopia
sychrophilic (cold loving) microorganisms are essential
microbes for any biotechnological practices. Enzymes
produced from those psychrophilic microorganisms are
important in food-industry. Nowadays, lactose intolerance
is becoming a serious issue around the globe and it is highly
required to produce low lactose or lactose free dairy products,
in addition to, till now, some psychrophilic bacteria producing
beta-galactosidase have been reported, but none of them
have been yet used practically in the food industry, meaning
that more study is required to find better microbial source.
One particularly interesting enzyme to solve such issue is
beta-galactosidase which is cold lactose hydrolyzing enzyme,
besides, this enzyme is potentially useful for fast lactose
digestion below 20ºC, to produce lactose-free milk. Therefore,
the aim of this study will be to isolate, identify and characterize
beta-galactosidase enzyme from psychrophilic bacterium.
Soil samples will be collected from cold areas. To cultivate
the psychrophilic bacteria, soil samples will be added to Brain
heart infusion (BHI; Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich) broth
containing 1% (w/v) lactose, and will be incubated at low
temperature (4°C) aerobically by shaking. Beta-galactosidase
producer bacteria will be isolated by serial dilution and spread
plating techniques. The bacterial isolates will be characterized
biochemically by indole test, methyl red test, Simmons citrate
test, catalase test, oxidase test, urease test, nitrate reduction
test, starch hydrolysis test. Lactose hydrolyzing enzyme activity
will be screened and determined by measuring the rate of
hydrolysis lactose as substrate. The effect of temperature on the
activity of cell free extracts for lactose hydrolysiswill be analyzed
by measuring the enzyme activity at various temperatures.