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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
International Conference on
Journal of Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2
Engineering renewable carbon to bio-based products
Arvind M Lali
Institute of Chemical Technology, India
ncreased use of bio-based products has the potential to
accelerate the shift towards a sustainable economy with
reduced dependence on fossil based carbon and reduced CO2
emissions.Many countries through International Energy Agency
(IEA) Bioenergy Task 42 and Mission Innovation initiatives
have targeted development and deployment of integrated
bio-refineries for producing sustainable bio-based products
using renewable sources of carbon. Renewable carbons can
be a combination of first generation (food derived), second
generation (non-food derived), third generation (non-land use
change) and fourth generation carbon that can be channeled
for production of bio-based products for use as food, feed,
fuels and materials. The world has substantial amount of
under-utilized renewable carbon in the form of non-fodder
agricultural wastes and other wastes such as municipal solid
wastes, municipal liquid waste and industrial waste that put
together have the potential to fully substitute all fossil carbon
requirements. Sustainable technology platforms have been
designed at DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Biosciences, India using a
smart combination of chemical processes and biological routes
that can convert different renewable carbons to value added
bio-based products. The bio-based products include food and
feed products, wellness products, chemicals and polymer
precursors. The talk shall address the technological roadblocks
that need to be overcome to render the bio-based products
techno-commercially viable and environmentally sustainable.