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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
International Conference on
Journal of Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2
Innovative enzyme applications in oils & fats processing
Ali R Esteghlalian
Novozymes, Turkey
iotechnology has enabled the cost-effective production
of a variety of enzymes that improve processes and final
products for a number of industrial producers.
In this presentation, an overview of enzyme discovery and
product development from screening of microorganisms in
nature to final products will be provided. In the oils and fats
industry, enzymes are now a standard processing aid in a
number of production processes, this presentation will discuss
• Lipases have been and are currently used for specialty fats
products, like CBE and infant milk replacers,
• Lipases are used in the production of margarine and
shortenings enabling production without the formation of
trans-fatty acids,
• Phospholipases remove phospholipids from oils ensuring
high processing yields and improved process economy in
vegetable oil refining,
• Lipases are aimed to revolutionize the biodiesel industry,
• Cellulases will improve production yield in palm oil