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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
International Conference on
Journal of Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2
Studies on fermentative production of Beta-carotene from
Phaffia rhodozyma
Bibhu Prasad Panda, Shweta Nagal
Afreen Raja
Jamia Hamdard, India
lating of the astaxanthin-producing yeast Phaffia rhodozyma
on yeast-malt agarmedia containing different concentration
of Beta-Ionone gave colonieswith yelloworangepigment after 6
to 8 days of fermentation. Isolation of Beta-Carotene producing
colonies were done, followed by testing for pigment production
in shake flasks, demonstrated that pigment concentration were
increased two-to five fold for Beta-Carotene content compared
with the parental one. It was found from our study that Beta-
Carotene production was improved by addition of Beta-Ionone
at concentration of about 10
and 2×10
after sixth day of
fermentation. By using different carbon and magnesium source
yield of Beta-Carotene content could be increased to higher
level with sucrose 283.01 µg/g, ammonium sulphate (234.80
µg/g) and magnesium sulphate (218.65 µg/g)