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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
International Conference on
Journal of Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2
Algae biofuel: A global exploration for green energy
S K Bhatnagar
S V P University of Agriculture & Technology, India
HiQ Green Agroworld, India
ur dependence on fossil fuel is not going to last forever
and for fulfilling the need for energy, new and renewable
resources of energy need to be explored. Till date many feed
stocks like sugarcane, maize, Jatropha, palm oil, Linseed oil etc.
have been attempted but none of these feed stocks became a
sustainable source of energy.
Algae, an autotroph is rapidly growing microorganism even
under stress conditions. Besides consuming good amount of
Carbon dioxide, it is capable of synthesizing carbohydrates,
lipids, fatty acids and pigments through definite metabolic
pathways. Use of algal strains as a potential feedstock for
the production of green energy and to combat the future
requirement of energy is of paramount importance and need
to be addressed worldwide. Trouble shooting and hurdles in
utilizing algae as feedstock for biodiesel need rectification for
initiating commercial production of biodiesel.
Micro-algal biomass has been considered as the potential
source of biodiesel production because of high growth rate,
appreciable lipid and fat synthesis, carbohydrate etc. Biomass
production in a hybrid pond system and its harvesting are of
major concern to make biodiesel production cost effective.
Postharvest technologies for the extraction of lipids and their
trans-esterification are more important and can be executed
in consortium mode with the laboratories which are already
functional. Besides this, the quality and quantity of product is
very important for observing techno-economic feasibility along
with the least detrimental impact on the environment.