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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry| Volume: 2
October 25-26, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
Joint Event
Biotechnology & Medical Microbiology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Food Science & Technology
HSV and its effects in fatal primary infection in the peripartum period
Samuel Moses
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
erpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy can be
encountered either as a primary HSV infection or HSV
reactivation. The risk of primary HSV infection in causing
neonatal HSV that carries high neonatal morbidity/mortality
is well known. However, less frequently encountered is the
phenomenon of fatality in mothers after acquiring primary
HSV-1 in the late partum/peripartum period. Peripartum
period is a time of relative significant immunosuppression
in the mother, more specifically in regard to disturbance in
T-cell function with dysregulated immune function. 2 such
instances of fatal HSV-1 occurred in relatively healthy young
women who presented with sudden onset systemic shock
and DIC (diffuse intravascular coagulation) and liver failure
1-2 weeks after delivery by LSCS (lower segment caesarean
section). Various virological and immunological studies and the
histological features confirmed this as primary HSV-1 infection
in the mothers with florid HSV-1 viraemia, HSV hepatitis and
multi-organ failure. Data on HSV sequencing investigating
linkage between these 2 cases that occurred within 8 weeks
in a region will be presented along with literature on what,
why and how primary HSV in the early postpartum period
has been fatal to the mothers whilst sparing the neonates.
Speaker Biography
Samuel Moses is a consultant microbiologist & virologist. His clinical practice
includes infectious diseases clinic & ward consultations, infection pathology service
consultations, infection control and outpatient clinics. His interests and expertise
specifically are in sexually transmitted/blood borne infections (STI, HIV, HBV,
HCV) and transplant infections (haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, solid
organ transplantation. Samuel Moses is involved in operational and technological
advancements in the field of molecular diagnostics and in employing newer
methods in infection diagnostics and also been a member of and contributed to
legacy PHE (Public Health England) Programme Boards and to NICE technology
appraisals relating to BBV (blood borne viruses) and AMR (antimicrobial resistance).