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Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 4
November 02-03, 2017 | Chicago, USA
Embryology and In vitro Fertilization
World Congress on
The role of time-lapse monitoring during
in vitro
Peter Kovacs
IVF Center, Hungary
ontrolled ovarian hyper-stimulation is standard part of
in vitro
fertilization (IVF) treatment. Ideally it results in
the retrieval of 10-15 oocytes that could give rise to the
simultaneous developments of multiple embryos. Embryos
are cultured under tightly controlled conditions that mimic the
intra-tubal/intra-uterine environment. Removing them from
this optimal environment compromises their development.
Therefore, there is an important dilemma that the biologist
faces that needs to be resolved. The embryologist would like
to collect as much information as possible on the kinetic and
morphologic changes that the embryos undergo but they also
would like to keep themundisturbed asmuch as possible. Time-
lapse (TL) embryo monitoring offers the solution. TL monitoring
relies on the analysis of digital images taken by a camera that is
either part of the incubator or is placed in a standard incubator.
Time-lapse units come with custom-made software that
creates a short film based on the images that can be analyzed
without the need to take the embryos out of the incubator. This
provides significantlymore data on the kinetic andmorphologic
changes of early embryo development. This extra information
could eventually be used to differentiate/rank the embryos.
Over the past 6-8 years several groups collected morphokinetic
data on embryos with known implantation outcome. Based on
these markers various algorithms were proposed to identify
the embryo with the highest implantation potential. External
validation of these algorithms however has not been successful
so far. In2016anewalgorithmwasbuilt basedonmorphokinetic
data of embryos with known implantation outcome from
several independent clinics was published. It was suggested
that this algorithm is universally acceptable. There are still only
a few randomized controlled trials (RCT) that evaluated the
full benefits of TL monitoring (undisturbed culture+algorithm
based embryo selection). Most RCTs and their meta-analysis
suggests improved clinical outcome when compared to
outcome with standard daily morphologic assessment. During
the presentation time-lapse technology, the key retrospective/
prospective studies as well as the results of a meta-analysis
based on the relevant RCTs will be discussed.
Speaker Biography
Peter Kovacs has graduated from the Albert Szent-Gyorgyi School of Medicine in
Szeged, Hungary and then completed his OB/GYN and Reproductive Endocrinology and
Infertility training at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Subsequently,
he was invited to join the largest Hungarian IVF Center, Kaali Institute, and in 2008 was
promoted to become the Medical Director. In 2005, he earned a PhD degree for studies
regarding the reproductive effects of diabetes. His current research interest is focused
on stimulation protocols, predictors of IVF outcome, and the clinical benefits of time-
lapse embryo monitoring. He has published 40 peer-reviewed papers and several book
chapters; he was the co-editor of the first Hungarian textbook on infertility evaluation
and treatment.