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Nov 22-23, 2018 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Nutrition and Health
International Conference on
International Conference on
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Journal of Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism | Volume 2
Nutritional intervention and therapeutic effects of chlorophyll intake in diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
hypercholestrolemia and obesity
Alka Pareek
Seth RL Saharia Government PG College, India
ife style diseases are a major cause of severe morbidity
and mortality today and are posing a challenge to the
healthcare professionals in both developing and developed
nations. A prospective study was conducted over a period of
six months on 50 volunteers suffering from diabetes mellitus
type-2, insulin dependent diabetes, hypercholestrolemia,
obesity and sustained hypertension and 50 healthy individuals
as controls. The results have revealed a significant reduction
in blood glucose, blood cholesterol, blood pressure and body
weight with twice daily intake of green smoothie on an empty
stomach followed by a protein rich breakfast comprising of
sprouted pulses. In addition, a vegan diet has been found to be
effective in lowering the biochemical parameters in all these
volunteers. Interestingly, a sizeable number of sufferes even
gave up insulin andwere put on oral medicines. Green Smoothy
is a blended drink consisting of leafy greens and water where
blending is done a bit too vigourously so as to break the leaf’s
cell wall to bring out the chlorophyll. Data were collected at
baseline and post-intervention and included anthropometric
and physiologic measures along with a nutrition survey. Waist
circumference and waist-to-hip ratio was specifically studied
in obese volunteers. Thus, results of the present study amply
provide an interim support indicating consumption of green
smoothie as a possible primary prevention strategy for chronic
conditions as listed vide supra. This home-made smoothy
formulation coupled with a discontinued use of tea, coffee,
milk and milk products has shown to help reduce the health
risks or even reverse the effects of chronic conditions. The
author proposes a more elaborate study on a larger sample
spread over at least a couple of years to demonstrate and
establish a significant correlation between green smothie
and its ameliorating effects in these chronic conditions.