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Nov 22-23, 2018 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Nutrition and Health
International Conference on
International Conference on
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Journal of Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism | Volume 2
Sick day management
Eugenia Vlachou
University of West Attica, Greece
Diabetes self-management contributes not
only to a better glycemic control but also to avoiding the
immediate or chronic complications, as well. Nevertheless,
some infections or generally sick days may lead either to
hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. A plan, well organized
by the health care diabetes team is introduced to help the
individual with diabetes to overcome acute complications.
The databases PubMed and Google Scholar were
searched to access relevant articles. The keywords were
“diabetes”, “sick days”, “self-management” “diabetes care
team”, “acute complications”.
Stressful events such as illness, trauma and surgery
worsen glycemic control. Intercurrent illness can cause a rise
or fall in blood glucose levels. On one hand, fever is associated
with high blood glucose levels and can result in increased
production of ketones causing diabetes ketoacidosis. On the
other hand, vomiting and diarrhea are associatedwith lowering
of the blood glucose levels and may cause hypoglyceamia.
The diabetes care team should provide guidelines on
managing diabetes during intercurrent illness in order to
prevent complications such as ketoacidosis, dehydration,
hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia. Some of the management
plan are: frequent monitoring of the blood glucose and
blood or urine ketone levels, avoidance of stopping insulin,
maintenance of adequate fluid and electrolytes, treatment
of the intercurrent illness and guidance to patients and family
members regarding insulin dose adjustment.
For avoiding sick days complications, healthcare
professionals should advise the patients and family members
to keep a sick day notebook that includes management plan
for sick days, contacts of the diabetes care team for emergency
consultation, medicines that can be used and meal plans
according to the patient’s requirements.