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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK
Joint Event
Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
World Congress on
Card i o l ogy
Efficacyof newbeveragemadeof datesvinegar andgarlic juice in improvingserumlipidprofileparameters
and inflammatory biomarkers of mildly hyperlipidemic adults: A double-blinded, randomized, placebo-
controlled study
Zeshan Ali
Jiangsu University, China
beverage made from dates vinegar and garlic juice was
recently developed for use by people who wish to attain
maximum quantities of both vinegar and polyphenols for their
health and do not like to use vinegar and garlic directly in their
daily diet. Fifty hyperlipidemic adults consumed two cups (500
ml) of either the new beverage or a placebo daily over a period
of 7 weeks. Plasma lipids, inflammatory biomarkers, urea,
creatinine, potassium, and b-carotenoid concentrations were
measured before and after each treatment. A recommended
dose of 500 ml of the new beverage reduced total cholesterol
(TC) (260.10617.9 to 198.90617.31 mg/dL) and C-reactive
protein (CRP) (8.0461.34 to 4.4561.42 mg/l) along with heart
rate and mean blood pressure. These outcomes indicate that
the new beverage improved the concentration of lipids and
inflammatory biomarkers, and the new beverage is beneficial
for people who are worried about hypertension.
Practical applications
Dietary therapy is the primary step in the treatment of
hyperlipidemia. Dates, compared with different fruits, are
a rich source of phenolic compounds. Researchers have
claimed that extract of date fruit is effective in improving lipid
profile parameters. Similarly, evidence from other studies has
indicated that garlic can bring about the regulation of blood
cholesterol along with the improvement of fibrinolytic activity
and decrement of blood pressure. Thus, this study will provide
a possible source of phenolic compounds and present a latent
approach to the avoidance of hyper lipidemia and hypertension.
This new beverage is suggested as a dietary supplement for the
promotion of a healthy heart.