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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8

May 14-15, 2018 | Montreal, Canada

Global Summit on

Biopharma & Biotherapeutics


oy isoflavones: genistein, daidzein and glycitein, can

exert estrogen-like activities. Their endocrine disrupting

activitieswerefirst identified incattlegrazingphytoestrogens-

rich pastures. If glycitein is an ER


agonist, genistein, daidzein

and its metabolite equol exhibit significant transcriptional

activities through both ER


and ER


. They can also induce

gene transcription through GPR-30 and ERR






at dietary


In vivo

and in humans, estrogenic effects can be

positive or negative depending on the physiological status

and the target tissue. These estrogenic activities having

been confirmed in toxicological studies by the US National

Toxicology Program (NTP), were analyzed in clinical studies.

No individual study is definitely convincing, however, putting

all data together shows that estrogenic effects on several

targets and on reproduction can be recorded for isoflavone

daily intakes ranging from 40 to 60mg in adults (about 0.75

mg/kg/day). These active doses lead to free plasma aglycone

levels being 500 to 5000 times higher than free-estradiol

in human plasma, depending if children, premenopausal

women, men or postmenopausal women are considered. In

soy, isoflavones are present as glycosides and are soluble in

water. This allows them to leak into water during prolonged

cooking or simmering. These cooking steps were common in

traditionalAsianrecipesbutarenolongerfound inmodernsoy

industrial processes which were designed to reduce energy

and environmental costs. Therefore, the human exposure to

estrogenic isoflavones rose recently with the development

of industrial soy-based-foods. Estrogenic isoflavones can

therefore be considered as modern endocrine disruptors

acting in synergy with other environmental compounds.

Removing isoflavones from modern food may be a solution.

To take advantages of these substances still lowering their

deleterious effects for the global population, their use in

dietary-supplements or biological preparations should be

studied further. Such preparations should allow targeting the

right physiological status.


Estrogenic isoflavones as modern food compounds can have both beneficial and adverse effects

Catherine Bennetau-Pelissero

University of Bordeaux, France