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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
May 14-15, 2018 | Montreal, Canada
Global Summit on
Biopharma & Biotherapeutics
here is a high turnover of hospital pharmacy leadership,
typically Director of Pharmacy, due to stress, long
hours, constant deadlines, high responsibilities, multiple
supervisors, demanding and challenging job to perform
well, constant clinical/regulatory/technological changes in
the industry to be compliant with, tight budgets/deadlines,
and retiring baby boomers. This leads to the need for interim
leadership focusing on turnaround change management for
poor performing hospitals. In USA, the new and unexplored
trend is consultant pharmacist in leadership and turnaround
management (interimmanagement). Traditionally, consulting
pharmacist roles is in medication therapy management, long
term care facilities and clinically oriented. Typically, interim
management is stigmatized as incompetent and cannot get
a permanent job. Fact is, to be an effective and high impact
interim leader, the pharmacist must be very experienced,
skilled and talented to turnaround the pharmacy that’s
failing in a very short time period with limited resources
and minimal relationships with staff/other hospital leaders
for support. The modern concept of lean and high impact
giant healthcare organizations in USA is getting experienced
interim leaders in making assessments, formulating an
action plan, rapidly developing and implementing the action
plan in a brief time frame of usually 3-6 months. They then
move the leader around in their organization to facilities/
pharmacies that are performing poorly to turn it around. This
business strategy is also applicable at the executive CEO level
for the whole hospital. This presentation explores the new
US business strategy and techniques to improve medium
performing and rescue failing healthcare businesses, change
management challenges and how to overcome them,
clinical/regulatory compliance and best practices, personnel
management, work flow to improve productivity, use of
technology in healthcare, inventory management, quality
assurance and cost reduction in all aspects of the pharmacy
operation. The concepts can be extrapolated across other
industries and sectors of healthcare. The presenter will
conclude with motivational/inspiring key messages and why
this is a very rewarding unexplored new field of pharmacy
practice as well as resources to help the audience achieve
the comparable results in their practices.
bickkie.nguyen@apria.comHospital pharmacy leadership turnaroundmanagement: Strategies, techniques and changemanagement
Bickkie Nguyen
Pharmacy Apria Healthcare, USA