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September 15-16, 2017 | Dallas, USA
International Conference on
Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 1
itamin A is a fat soluble vitamin essential for growth, reproduction,
and immune function. The US has mandated skimmed and low fat
milk to be fortified with retinyl palmitate since 1978 and other products
are voluntarily fortified. We evaluated the vitamin A requirements of
young women in the US using the
-retinol isotope dilution (
test at baseline and follow-up after daily supplements. No prior research
has evaluated the estimated average requirement (EAR) in this age and
gender group as defined in the dietary reference intakes of the US. Women
consumed food containing 175 μg retinol activity equivalents (RAE) daily
for 12 wk. For the middle 6 wk, women (
= 41) were randomized to take a
daily supplement of 0, 175 μg, or 525 μg retinol as retinyl palmitate. Dietary
vitamin A intake decreased from baseline in the groups given supplements
with 0 and 175 μg retinol (P=0.005 and 0.018, respectively) but not in the
group given the 525 μg supplement (P=0.25). Mean baseline liver reserves
132±92 μg (0.46±0.32 μmol) retinol/g liver were >0.1 μmol/g, the cut-off for
deficiency (P<0.05). Liver reserves and total body vitamin A did not change
in any group during the intervention (P>0.05). An estimate for daily RAE
intake to maintain the total body vitamin A pool and liver concentrations
was approximately 300 μg RAE/d. The EAR (500 μg RAE) for vitamin A for
well-nourished women aged 19 – 30 y provides robust liver stores and may
be higher than necessary. Furthermore, in a recent study with US adult
cadavers (n = 27; 49-101 y), six subjects (22%) had vitamin A deficiency
and nine subjects (33%) had hypervitaminosis A (>1 μmol/g liver); histology
corroborated hypervitaminosis A. In conclusion, the vitamin A requirements
of US adults need reevaluation and the causes of hypervitaminosis A should
be determined.
Speaker Biography
SA Tanumihardjo manages a progressive research team in Nutritional Sciences. She
serves as the Director of the Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health and is on the
Executive Board for the Global Health Institute. She teaches at the undergraduate
and graduate level including international field experiences. She has more than three
decades of experience with vitamin A and carotenoids. Her multidisciplinary research
approach is enhanced by her educational background in chemistry, biochemistry, and
nutrition. She has authored >160 research publications and chapters. Her research
group works with animal models and outcomes often applied to humans. She has
been an invited speaker at >250 meetings. Her research efforts were recognized as
an endowed chair at University of Wisconsin-Madison (Friday Chair for Vegetable
Processing Research; 2009). Other awards include membership on WHO’s Expert
Advisory Panel on Nutrition (2012), G Malcolm Trout Visiting Scholar Award for
lectureship at Michigan State University (2011), Ruth Pike Lectureship Award at
Pennsylvania State University (2007), Alex Malaspina ILSI Future Leader Award (2004),
and Dannon Institute Creative Leadership training (2001).
sherry@nutrisci.wisc.eduVitamin A requirements are likely overestimated but many US adults do not have optimal status
SA Tanumhardjo
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA