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Journal of Biomedical Research | ISSN: 0976-1683 | Volume 30
March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK
T issue Engineer ing, Stem Cel ls and Regenerat ive Medicine
Cel l and Gene Therapy
World Congress on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Chitosan/collagen II/nanohydroxyapatite composite hydrogels for osteochondral interface tissue
Ayse Karakecili
Ankara University, Turkey
atural composite biomaterials of chitosan and collagen–
type I most studied - have been extensively used in tissue
engineering for their good structural properties. Collagen
type II is one of the major components in calcified cartilage
zone together with the proteoglycans. In this study, it was
aimed to conduct a composite hydrogel structure for possible
use in the regeneration of calcified cartilage. Composite
hydrogels consisting of chitosan (Chi), collagen type II (Coll)
and nanohydroxyapatite (nHA) were prepared with 0.5%
nHA (w/w) and different variations of Chi/Coll composition
by using thermal gelation. Beta-glycerol phosphate (beta-GP)
was used to initiate gelation of Chi-Coll-nHA composite gel
mixture at pH 7.4 and 37⁰C. Additionally, genipin was used as a
chemical crosslinker. Increase in Coll ratio caused a decrease in
compressivemodulus of the hydrogels.Morphological structure
analysis showed the gels exhibited porous structure suitable
for cell encapsulation and proliferation. ATDC5 chondrocytes
encapsulated in hydrogels at Chi/Coll ratios of 100/0, 70/30,
50/50 and 30/70 wt% exhibited high viability while the highest
viability was observed in Chi70/Coll30/nHA gels over 14 days.
DNA content also showed the same increase pattern during
the culture. Our findings showed Chi/Coll/nHA composites
supported the formation of a calcified cartilage-like matrix and
have great potential as gel forming materials for osteochondral
interface repair.
Speaker Biography
Ayse Karakecili has completed her PhD from Department of Chemical Engineering in
Hacettepe University. She is currently working as an associate professor in Department
of Chemical Engineering in Ankara University. Her research includes design, synthesis and
characterization of polymeric biomaterials and nanocomposites for tissue engineering
aysekarakecili@mail.yahoo.comAyse Karakecili
, Biomed Res, Volume 30
DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C1-025