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Journal of Biomedical Research | ISSN: 0976-1683 | Volume 30
March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK
T issue Engineer ing, Stem Cel ls and Regenerat ive Medicine
Cel l and Gene Therapy
World Congress on
International Conference on
Joint Event
anotechnology is an engrossing science for many scientists
now days as it offers them many challenges. One of such
challenge is nanorobots, which once thought to be an illusion
has come into reality now. The use of nanorobots has a wide
range from common cold to dangerous disease like cancer.
Some active examples are microbivores, chromallocyte,
respirocyte and many more. Nanomedicine is a part of
nanorobots. Nanomedicine offers the anticipation of powerful
new equipment for the treatment of human diseases and the
of nanotechnology has reached to a stage where scientists are
able to develop programmable and externally controllable
complex equipment that are built at molecular level which can
work inside the patient’s body. By the help of nanotechnology
scientist prepare nanorobot which operate the human body,
transport important molecules, manipulate micro objects
and communicate with doctors by way of miniature sensors,
motors, manipulators, power generators and molecular-scale
computers. Nanorobots have exceptional function in health
care and environmental monitoring. By using nanotechnology,
doctors accept different challenges to cure deadly disease like
cancer, diabetes, tumor or respiration related diseases. So,
nanotechnology in formof nanorobot isabless tohumanbeings.
Speaker Biography
Alok Kumar Dash has completed B. Pharm from IGIP, M. Pharma from KMIPS and Ph.D.
degree from Suresh Gyan Vihar University (SGVU) in Rajasthan, India. He is working
as an assistant professor in Institute of Pharmacy, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal
University in Uttar Pradesh, India. His field of research focuses on natural products
chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacological screening and standardization method
development for herbals. He has more than 40 national and international publications
and 2 patents in his credit. His biography is published Asian Admirable Achievers in 2016.
He received the globally reputed ‘Rashtriya Gaurav Award’-2017. His profile is selected
for Bharat Vikas Award Recipient of “Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing-2017”
by European journal of medicinal plant, Science Domain International and has been
serving as an editorial board member of International Journal of Modern botany
Scientific & Academic Publishing, Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences and many more.
alokkudash@yahoo.co.inAlok Kumar Dash
V B S Purvanchal University, India
Challenges of nanotechnology; Nanomedicine: Nanorobots
Alok Kumar Dash
, Biomed Res, Volume 30
DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C1-025