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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Contribution of the blood biochemical factors, body composition and genetics to low back pain
manifestation in complex Arab pedigrees
Nader Tarabeih
, Adel Shalata
, Svetlana Trofimov
, Alexander Kalinkovich
Gregory Livshits
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
The Simon Winter Institute for Human Genetics, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Israel
Evidence has suggested that the development of
low back pain (LBP) is often associated with obesity, muscle
loss and sarcopenia. The mechanisms of these associations
remain unclear. To clarify this, we measured circulating levels
of a selected panel of soluble factors, presumably involved in
the pathogenesis of obesity and sarcopenia, and correlated
themwith several LBP-related characteristics, considering body
composition, familial effects and other relevant covariates.
The cross-sectional study comprised of 1078 Arab-
LBP. Body composition variables (including fat and muscle mass
measurements) assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis
(BIA) and anthropometricmeasurements, scoliosis asmeasured
by scoliometer, and plasma levels of several cytokines by ELISA
compositionof the sample andpossibleputative genetic effects.
LBP affected individuals were significantly older, and
showed increased obesity, decreased skeletal mass, and a
significant correlation with spinal scoliosis when compared
to healthy controls. Putative genetic factors were significantly
associated with the age of onset of LBP, regardless of sciatic
pain. Using univariate analyses, plasma concentrations of GDF-
15, leptin, chemerin and follistatinwere found to be significantly
elevated in the LBP-affected groups (with or without sciatic
pain) and were highly significantly (p<0.001) associated with
other LBP-related phenotypes, specifically, disease duration,
disability and physician consultation. However, following
adjustment for age, sex, body composition, and putative genetic
factors, only associations between GDF-15, LBP disability
and medical consulting phenotypes, remained significant.
For the first time, we report a significant
and independent association between plasma GDF-15
are recommended to determine whether GDF-15 could be a
novel therapeutic target for prevention and/or treatment of LBP.
Speaker Biography
Nader Tarabeih is a PhD student in the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology
in the Tel-Aviv University, under the supervision of professor Gregory Livshits. His
PhD project on Complex Arab pedigrees was consisting of 1104 volunteer individuals
belonging to 28 complex Arab pedigrees with high prevalence of Low Back Pain (LBP).
The advantage of a huge sample allowed Nader to accurately estimate contribution
of the putative genetic factors to the manifestation of LBP, represented in his first
manuscript entitled “Genetic, Body Composition and Demographic Risk Factors of Low
Back Pain in Complex Arab Pedigrees” submitted for publication in The Clinical Journal
of pain. The second manuscript, in which detailed “Growth and differentiation factor
15 (GDF-15) is a biomarker for low back pain-associated disability”, is in preparation.
Nader recently participated in BIRAX Ageing Council 2018 which was in London.