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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
The evaluation of posterior transpedicular dynamic stabilization and present situation
Ali Fahir Ozer
KOC University School of Medicine, Turkey
ranspedicular Dynamic Stabilization was developed as an
alternative method to spinal fusion in mostly degenerative
cases. There are two major system currently used, first dynamic
rods and the second dynamic screws. In this presentation our
or combination of both as a treatment modality in chronic
instability cases. On the other hand, we discussed problems
and complications of dynamic systems and, we discussed
what should be an ideal transpedicular dynamic system.
Speaker Biography
Ali Fahir Ozer graduated from Atatürk University School of Medicine in 1976. He did
his Neurosurgery residency between 1977 and 1982 at Hacettepe University School of
Medicine. He obtained his Associate Professor degree in 1988 and Full-Professorship
in 1994. He has been working at American Hospital Neurosurgery department since
1995 and is currently a faculty at Koc University School of Medicine, Department of
Neurosurgery. Professor Özer has a membership of different associations including
Euro spine and North American Spine Society. He also is the member of advisory
board and reviewer of many scientific journals. He has authored or co‐authored well
over 70 papers and wrote lots of book chapters. Dr. Ozer’s research mainly focuses on
biomechanics of spine, and dynamic stabilization of spine. He owns a patent which is a