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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Women, Trauma and Alcohol Dependency: Connections and disconnections in alcohol treatment for
Deanna L Mulvihill
TLI Foundation, USA
tatement of the Problem:
Women who have experienced
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) are at greater risk for
physical and mental health problems including Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD) and alcohol dependency. On their
own IPV, PTSD and alcohol dependency result in significant
personal, social and economic cost and the impact of all three
may compound these costs. Researchers have reported that
women with these experiences are more difficult to treat and
many do not access treatment and those who do, frequently do
not stay because of difficulty maintaining helping relationships.
However, these women perspective have not been previously
studied. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience
of seeking help for alcohol dependency by women with PTSD
and a history of IPV in the context in which it occurs.
Methodology and Theoretical Orientation:
An inter subjective
ethnographic study using hermeneutic dialogue was utilized
during participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus
groups. An ecological framework was utilized to focus on the
interaction between the counselors and the staff to understand
this relationship and the context in which it occurs.
The women in this study were very active help
seekers. They encountered many gaps in continuity of care
including discharge because of relapse. Although the treatment
center was a warm, healing and spiritual place, the women left
the center without treatment for their trauma needs and many
without any referral to address these outstanding issues.
Conclusion & Significance:
Women with alcohol dependence
and PTSD with a history of IPV want help however the health
and social services do not always recognize their calls for help
or their symptoms of distress. Recommendations are made for
treatment centers to become trauma-informed that would help
this recognition.
Speaker Biography
Deanna L Mulvihill is a Senior Nurse Therapist and a researcher who has developed
a technique called Rebinding of the Body which helps people recover from trauma,
learn self-help techniques and lead more productive lives. Her intersubjective
ethnographic study has been published in a text called, “Women, Trauma and
Alcohol Dependency, Connection and disconnections in alcohol treatment for
women”. She has published several articles in child and family psychiatry including
an extensive literature review called “The Health Impact of Childhood Trauma”.
Presently, she has a small private practice and she works as a consultant for Cogenz
and Thought Leadership and Innovation Foundation. She graduated from the
University of Western Ontario with Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing in 2009. Her
dissertation was “Seeking and Obtaining Help for Alcohol Dependence by Women
who have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and a History of Intimate Partner Violence.