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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Single or Cervical Multiple Levels Arthroplasty is a safe option for active and functional mobility of
cervical degenerative with minimal inavasiveness
Muhammad Qazafi Memon
Universal Hospital, UAE
he author for this technical report to establish the feasibility
of performing the single or multi levels Cervical Arthroplasty
is a safe option for active and functional mobility of Cervical
Degenerative Spine Disease.
1. First few cases: Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy with
severe right or left and bilateral brachalgia and cervicalgia
secondary to large postero lateral prolapsed disc treated with
single level Arthroplasty.
2. Second few cases: Two levels Cervical Disc Herniation with
Bilateral Radiculopathy and bilateral brachalgia and cervicalgia
and treated with two adjust level arthroplasty.
3. Third case: Three level cervical disc and bilateral brachialgia
and cervicalgia and treated with three adjust level and all
three groups of patients were operated with small incision and
Arthroplasty with artificial disc replacement surgery technical
aspects and clinical outcome have been reported. No intra or
post‐operative complicationswereencountered. Intraoperative
blood loss was minimal. The patient has cosmetic scars on
healing. Standard procedure of placement of artificial titanium
disc is enough for normal mobility and active movement
with minimally invasive approach for artificial titanium disc
replacement in single and multiple levels with good outcome
and active mobility.
Speaker Biography
Muhammed Qazafi has completed MCPS in 2005 and FCPS in Neurosurgery at the age of
32 years from Liaquat National Hospital post graduate centre form via college of physician
and surgeons of Pakistan and he has done Spinal Fellowships from Georgia, USA. He was
the Head of Department of Neurosurgery and Neuro Spinal department in PABMHospital,
Arar, KSA and he is doing MISS and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complex 360 degrees
spinal fixation in Universal Hospital Abu Dhabi and he is worked over multiple research
papers of Spine Surgeries.