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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Energy recovery and utilization from waste printed circuit boards
Maria Holuszko
, Amit Kumar
Travis Janke
University of British Columbia, Canada
Ronin8 Technologies Ltd, Canada
lectronic waste is one the fastest growing waste streams
in the world and printed circuit boards (PCB) are the most
valuable fraction of this stream due to the presence of gold,
silver, copper, and palladium. Printed circuit boards consist of
approximately 30% metal and 70% non-metals. The non-metal
fraction is composed of 60-65% fiberglass and 35-40% organics,
in the form of surface-mount plastics and epoxy resins in the
printed circuit board laminates. The organics in the non-metal
fraction provide a potential alternative source of energy, but
hazardous flame retardants contained in the epoxy resins and
the presence of residual metals create challenges for utilizing
this material for energy recovery.This research provides an
evaluation regarding the energy content of printed circuit
boards. Density-based separation processes were used to
separate the various components of the boards to increase the
energy content in specific density fraction while reducing the
metal content. The content of the hazardous flame retardants
and residual metals was analyzed to evaluate the harmful effect
of emissions produced from utilizing the non-metal fraction as
an alternative feed stock in waste-to-energy applications.
Speaker Biography
Maria Holuszko has more than 25 years of experience in Mineral and Coal Processing
Engineering working with industry, academia, and government. Her first position
was at the University of Alberta, followed by the Alberta Research Council. In the
1990s she held a senior Licensed Scientist positon at the British Columbia Ministry
of Energy in Victoria, B.C., and she was engaged in consulting work for the mining
industry before she decided to pursue her PhD studies at UBC. After completing her
PhD degree in 2006, she moved to Australia to work at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral
Research Centre, the center of excellence for mineral processing at the University
of Queensland. In 2011, she returned to work for the industry as a Senior Research
Engineer at Teck Resources until she joined the UBC Mining Engineering department
as Assistant Professor in 2014.