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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Co-gasification of high ash coal and high ash biomass in downdraft gasifier
Sonal K Thengane, Ankita Gupta
Sanjay M Mahajani
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
he thermo chemical process of gasification has the potential
to produce heat and electricity from different feedstocks
such as coal and biomass. In Indian context, biomass gasification
has received significant interest in recent years as an alternative
to coal gasification owing to the problems encountered due
to high ash content (> 30 %) in Indian coal. Co-gasi cation
offers environmental and technical bene ts over individual
feed gasification and has been explored as a preferable option
for various biomass and coal mixtures. The present paper
investigates the effect of mixtures of high ash coal (35 - 40 %)
and high ash biomass (e.g. garden waste pellets with 10 % ash)
in different proportions on the composition of syngas in a fixed
having composition (by weight) of 100 % coal, 25 % coal – 75 %
pellets, 50% coal – 50%pellets, 75% coal - 25%pellets and 100
% pellets are prepared. Air is used as a gasifying agent and the
grate is rotated every 20 minutes to ensure smooth operation.
The feedstock mixtures are characterized and the producer gas
is analyzed for its composition, tar andparticulates. The catalytic
effect induced by the inorganic content in garden waste pellets
on co-gasification is studied. The issue of clinker formation that
is common in gasification of high ash containing feedstock is
also addressed. The co-gasification of coal and biomass shows
the synergistic effect in terms of increase in release of total
volatiles and decrease in char yield and emissions. The mixture
with higher percentage of coal generated more clinker due to
ash fusion at higher temperatures. The mixture with higher
percentage of biomass increased the conversion to gas on a
carbon basis, and decreased the conversions to char and tar.
The results of the present study would successfully establish
the optimum operating conditions for stable co-gasification
operation for high ash coal and high ash biomass.
Speaker Biography
Sonal Thengane is a Post Doctoral Fellow at Tata Centre for Technology and Design,
IIT Bombay, working on the project on biomass gasification with major focus on
utilizing garden waste and agro residue for community level cooking. The project is
supervised by Prof. Sanjay Mahajani, IIT Bombay in collaboration with Prof. Ahmed
Ghoniem, MIT USA. The process involves pelletisation of processed garden waste /
agro residue followed by its gasification to obtain producer gas that could partially
replace LPG consumption. Sonal has obtained his Ph.D. from IITB-Monash Research
Academy working on a project funded by Orica Mining Services, Australia in the field
of thermochemical water splitting for ammonia and nitric acid production. His research
interests are waste to energy, thermochemical conversion processes, chemical looping,
process modeling and thermodynamic analysis. He is actively involved in establishing
an integrated waste management facility at IIT Bombay with the objective of making
the campus a zero waste campus..