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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Societal harm arising from environmental toxicity
Aijuka Nicholas,
Makerere University, Uganda
any societies in Uganda are increasingly suffering the
repercussions that have been arising from rampant air
pollution, increase in contamination of water and the land
for tilling with many refuses full of toxins frommanufacturing
In the rural set up of the countryside, many of the natives
have quite often blamed it on government for lack of strict
laws and penalties on the perpetuators of environmental
laws which has consequently led to high health problems like
the airborne diseases because of polluted air, low fertility
rate of the soils which has adverse impacts on production
levels yet Agriculture is the biggest income earner for many
homesteads in Uganda.
Generally, this paper exudes the environmental toxicity
and the harm it has caused to the society. This is through
getting to the directly implicated societies like those in Hima
kasese where there have been clear indicators of what this
paper seeks to bring to light and what other civil society
organizations have been able to assess with help of the
community members.
The unbelievable challenges faced during the execution of
the sustainable programmes and public sensitization are to
be put to light in this paper with the collection of evidence
and the law enforcement procedures.
Speaker Biography
Aijuka Nicholas is a final year student of Bachelor’s of Science in Civil Engineering at
Makerere University Kampala Uganda in the department of Civil and environmental
Engineering. I have been focusing on environmental field throughout my course of
study and I have authored articles for some international waste Journals (Ref. DOI:
10.4172/2252-5211.1000287).I have participated IN THE 22ND AND 23RD Africa
oil week in 2015 and 2016 respectively in Cape Town South Africa under young
professionals; I have also participated in the 79th EAGE conference in Paris 2017 under
young professionals as well. I have participated in the 2017 Annual Conference of the
International Network of Environmental Forensics in Beijing china where I co-authored
with a colleague on a joint presentation that was exuding on the deforestation in