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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Nondestructive nuclear measurement of radioactive waste
Bertrand Perot
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France
wide range of nuclear nondestructive measurements
are carried out by CEA to achieve the most complete
characterization of radioactive waste packages. High-energy
photon imaging (radiography, tomography) allows determining
the main properties of the packages, such as the density,
position and shape of thewaste inside the container, the quality
of coating or blocking materials (resin, bitumen, hydraulic
binder…), the presence of internal shields, structures, cracks,
voids, defects, liquids, forbidden materials, etc. Radiological
assessment is then performed using the widespread gamma-
ray spectroscopy, which allows characterizing a broad range
of radioactive and nuclear materials, but also passive neutron
coincidence counting and active neutron interrogation with the
differential die-away technique to measure nuclear materials.
In view to assess the latter in the largest and densest packages,
active photon interrogation with high-energy photons (above
the photofission threshold of ~ 6MeV) is a promising technique
currently under development at CEA. Prompt gamma neutron
activation analysis is also being studied to detect toxic
chemicals, or elements influencing the above measurements,
such as neutron moderators or absorbers. The latter technique
could also be used in the future to assess valuable materials in
nonnuclear waste, such as precious metals (gold, platinum…) or
rare earth elements in electronic waste.
Speaker Biography
Bertrand Perot was graduated in 1992 from the Physics Engineers School of Grenoble,
France, and he obtained a PhD from Grenoble University in 1996. He worked for a
few years at AREVA in the field of nuclear process control, mainly for AREVA La Hague
reprocessing plant (Northwestern France). Then he joined CEA Cadarache (in South
France) to developed nondestructive measurement methods for the nuclear fuel
cycle, especially radioactive waste characterization and for homeland security through
European projects. He obtained in 2012 the University accreditation to supervise PhD
studies (the so-called “HDR”) and he was appointed CEA International Expert in 2014.
He has about 100 publications or communications and his H-index is 10.