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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Separate collection of plastic packages in Helsinki metropolitan area Finland
Kouvo Petri
Kainulainen Aino
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
he separate collection system for recyclable wastes in the
Helsinki Metropolitan region was ranked second best in a
recent study comparing recycling schemes of European capitals
(European Commission 2015). The collection system includes
paper, cardboard, glass, metals and bio waste. Residual waste
is collected and used in energy production. The collection
system excluding paper is managed by the Helsinki Region
Environmental Services HSY, a public organization owned by
four municipalities (Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa).
Paper collection is handled by the producer responsibility
The efficiency of the collection system in the Helsinki region
relies on a good coverage of door-to-door-collection. All
properties with 10 or more dwelling units are required to
source separate bio waste and cardboard. This covers about 75
% of the population of the area. The obligation is extended to
glass and metal in properties with 20 or more dwelling units.
Other success factors include public awareness campaigns and
a fee system that encourages recycling.
The separate collection of plastic packaging in Finland begun
in 2016 within the producer responsibility scheme. HSY is
supplementing the national bring point system with door-to-
door-collection. Pilot operations begun in the spring 2016 and
has been continuing since then. Currently HSY is considering
new regional waste management regulations for source
separation of plastic packages for big apartment buildings.
This paper describes the results of plastic packages separate
collection piloting, the key figures of quantity and quality of the
collected plastic waste as well as results of plastic packaging
waste LCA calculations and description of the plastic waste
Speaker Biography
Kouvo Petri has published technical articles and other technical reports. His PhD work
investigated the modelling on heavy metal emissions during the co-combustion of
biomass, peat and wastes. In current position as a director of the Waste Management
Division of the Helsinki Regional Environmental Services Authority he is responsible
for the waste management of nearly one million people and several commercial
properties living and operation in the metropolitan area. In addition, Kouvo works as an
associate professor at the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Education:
Doctor of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology; Environmental Studies,
University of Turku; Masters in Science of Energy Engineering, Lappeenranta University
of Technology, Profession. Current: Director, Helsinki Region Environmental Services,
Professor in Heat and Environmental Technology, Technology Manager, Environmental
Technologies, Fortum Oyj; Development Manager, Electric Power Research Institute,
California, USA, 1993-1995. Others: Chairman of the Board of Finish Solid Waste
Association and Member of the Board of ISWA (2010-2012).