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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
Aerobic and anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes as sustainable recycling technologies: Benefit
& comparison of the end products for fertilizer purpose
Muscolo Adele, Panuccio Maria Rosaria, Teresa Papalia, Giovanna Settineri, Federico Romeo Carmelo Mallamaci
Emilio Attinà
Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
gricultural waste removal has become an ecological
problem, brought to light as a result of an increase in
public health concerns and environmental awareness.
Aerobic and anaerobic treatments of agricultural wastes
appear to be the most promising approaches for reducing
agricultural wastes going to landfills while producing
environmental and socio-economic benefit. In view of the
above considerations, the objective of this study was to
analyze the chemical characteristics of two composts and two
digestates and to compare their effects on soil chemical, and
biochemical properties and on crop productivity and quality
to determine their suitability as fertilizer. Results evidenced
that waste characteristics influenced the chemical properties
of the compost much more than composting process. The
obtained composts had a positive effects on soil, increasing
organic matter (SOM), nutrients, microbial biomass (MBC),
bacterial and fungal population. The best result on soil,
was obtained by using the compost produced with a mix of
broadleaf vegetables. Regarding crop productivity, the data
showed a specificity between crop and type of compost
used. Digestates positively affected soil chemical and
biochemical parameters depending on the type of fraction
and on the concentration used. The digestates were less
effective than compost in inducing crop productivity and
quality. In conclusion, the agronomic quality of compost
and digestate is strictly dependent on percentage and type
of feed stocks used in the aerobic or anaerobic process. The
results confirm that compost and digestate offer important
soil improvements that are mutually beneficial rather than
alternative, even if the compost is better than digestate in
inducing crop productivity and quality.
Speaker Biography
Muscolo Adele graduated in Biological Sciences (MSc), has completed her PhD in Food
Science at the age of 26 years at the Policlinic Federico II University of Naples, Italy.
In 1988 she started is professional carrier as researcher at Mediterranea University
of Reggio Calabria where she is still working as Full Professor in soil chemistry and
ecology. Since 1990 she is reviewer for International Scientific Journals and since 2008
she is evaluator of projects for European Community, International Funding Research
Agencies and Italian and Foreign Research Ministries. She is examiner of international
PhD dissertation. She has over 180 papers in international journals with IF. Citations:
1597 H index: 21. She has been serving as an editorial board member of many
International Journals. She is Associate Editor for JFR.