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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
he intricate relationship between recycling and waste
to propel these fundamentally important strategies forward,
and render them sustainable, are introduced and given
a new impetus. Despite the global strive towards a “zero
waste” economy, the potential of many types of wastes
as a valuable resource has yet to be fully realized but they
will be addressed in this work. For examples, the reusing
of waste heat to raise the temperature of process streams
in a factory if need be; the use of gaseous carbon dioxide
to be a raw material in commercial manufacturing; the
extraction of useful metals from aqueous effluents into
a form which can be fed into ore smelters and the related
deliberations in the choice of treatment agents; refuse to
fuel; and the redeployment of a country’s stock of plutonium
to produce electricity in civil nuclear power plants are all
topics of dicscussion. The good management of reprocessing
facilities is intrinsic to their success and salient features of
plant operations are highlighted. Moreover, to mitigate
or eliminate their carbon-footprint, their powering by
renewable energy resources are encouraged. Traditionally,
policies that guide environmental chemical engineering
centre on technical feasibility, cost-benefit-risk analysis
and ecological impact, all built upon the implicit bedrock of
deontological ethics expressed explicitly under the glossy
title “Duty of Care”. Nonetheless, the advocation of recycling
and improvements in waste management should not stop
here. The authors envisage that a new dawn will witness
an innovative pedagogy in an educational curriculum which
encompasses the universal concept of “loss prevention” of
energy and materials, environomics and a paradigm shift in
industrial manufacturing methodologies which are known
to cause prolonged depreciation of the health, functionality
and aesthetics of this planet.
philip.cheung@imperial.ac.ukExploring new horizons and sustainable technologies for recycling and waste management
Philip C W Cheung
, Daryl R Williams
, Donald W, Kirk
Imperial College London, UK
University of Toronto, Canada