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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
The clean recycling of waste printed circuit boards by pyrolysis technology
Wei Liu, Fen Jiao, Fangkan Liu, Junwei Han
Chao Liang
Central South University, China
aste printed circuit board (PCB) is a typical electronic
waste, which has dual characteristics of resource and
danger. If it is not properly disposed, itwill cause seriouswaste
of resources and environmental pollution. In this study, a
novel electric furnace was designed to manage waste PCB by
pyrolysis technology. Typical electronic components, such as
aluminum electrolytic capacitor and slot, in waste PCB were
pyrolyzed at different temperature. The results showed that
different electronic components had the similar pyrolysis
technological conditions and hence the waste PCB could
be pyrolyzed without electronic components demolition
in advance. The waste PCB with electronic components
pyrolyzed at 700
C for 10 min. During the pyrolysis process,
the organic part was decomposed to pyro-oils and pyro-
gases: the solid residues of about 65-70 wt.%, liquid yields
of 18-20 wt.%, and gas yields of 10–12 wt.%. The pyro-gas
is rich in CO, CO
, H
and CH
, and it could be combusted for
the pyrolysis self-sustain after being purged. On the other
hand, the pyro-oil was rich in phenol and its homologue,
which could be used as fuels or chemical materials. Dioxin
concentration in the pyro-gas was 0.046 ngTEQ/m
, which
was lower than the emission standards. The tensile strength
of the solid residues was significantly reduced after pyrolysis
process, whichwas beneficial to subsequent crushing process
and the separation of metal and glass fiber. Based on this
study, a clean recycling of waste PCB by pyrolysis technology
had been applied to industrial production in May, 2017.