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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
his paper presents a mathematical model for describing
heat and mass transfer processes and predicting the
distribution of velocity, temperature, and concentration of
radioactive contaminants propagating under the influence
of wind. This model is based on the analysis of known
experimental data on the radioactive waste repository
in Kirghizia (Kara-Balta) and using concepts and methods
of mechanics of reactive media, as well as approaches in
existing models of environmental pollution. Dust, containing
radioactive particles, can rise under the influence of air
currents and is transported to considerable distances. It is
assumed that 1) the flow has a developed turbulent nature,
the molecular transfer is neglected, 2) the density of the
gaseous phase does not depend on the pressure because
of the low flow velocity in comparison with the speed of
sound, 3) the subsidence of particles obeys the Stokes law.
We consider the problem for two coordinates: a horizontal
component perpendicular to the earth’s surface. In addition,
the assumption of a two-dimensional configuration can be
justified, given that the length of contaminated sites can be
quite large. To describe convective transport, we use the
Reynolds equations for turbulent flow. The area from which
the pollutants rise is modeled as a flat source of radioactive
perminov@tpu.ruMathematical modeling of radioactive waste transfer under the influence of wind
Valeriy Perminov
Mamatkul Sartbaev
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia