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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Volume 3
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pathology and Surgical Pathology
International Conference on
Psychological features of breast cancer in Mexican women
Tania Romo-González T, Antonia Barranca-Enríquez, Iván Montes-Nogueira I, Rosalba León Díaz, Yolanda Campos-
Uscanga, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Ángel J Sánchez-García
Carolina Palmeros Exsome
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
reast cancer (BC) is one of the oncological diseases
most frequently diagnosed in adult women
worldwide. As with other cancer types, BC is thought to
emerge after genetically susceptible stem epithelial cells
display uncontrolled proliferation after being chronically
exposed to stressful environmental conditions that may
include altered hormonal profiles, metabolic status and/
or surrounding environmental settings. This scenario,
nonetheless, fails to recognize the role that psychological
factors play on BC origin, progression and outcome. We
study if some psychological traits may predispose Mexican
women to develop BC and also explore the “relative
weight” that emotional suppression and repression
and stress symptoms have on the likelihood of women
developing BC by establishing, through network analyses,
the way these psychological traits interact with well
accepted BC-risk environmental, genetic and physiological
factors. Our results indicated that women diagnosed with
benign or malign breast pathology share low restraint, low
global stress symptoms, low physical stress symptoms, low
restraint-defensiveness composite and high distress before
level, as well as of family, reproductive and nutritional
histories, supporting that the weight of the psychological
traits is greater than that of the latter variables, at least in
our sample. Also, the results show that the psychological
traits, as expected, adopt a network organization, in which
BC patients had the most disconnected distribution,
followed by the benign breast pathology (BBP) group.
Breast pathology according to the resulting network
seems to disconnect emotions from the stress response.
Addtionally, the variance found between groups can only
be explained by psychological traits, that is, in this sample
only certain psychological traits increase the susceptibility
to BC but none of the most recognized clinical factors do.
Speaker Biography
Tania Romo-González is a pharmaceutical biologist by the Universidad
Veracruzana (UV), with a Doctorate (Honorary Mention) in basic
biomedical research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM), a postdoctoral stay at the Biomedical Research Institute, UNAM,
period 2012-2013. She has been an associate professor in the master in
Veracruzana. Her areas of interest are psychoneuroimmunology, health-
disease processes, prevention of drug use. She has directed thesis at the
bachelor's and master's level. She is National Researcher Level I of the
National System of Researchers (SNI) 2013-2015. Professor with desirable
profile PROMEP. 2012-2015. She has published articles in national and
international journals, as well as book chapters in national publishers.