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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Volume 3
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pathology and Surgical Pathology
International Conference on
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
Karine Regina Tolesano Loureiro, Larissa Ayres Scagliarini Alvares, Juliana Prado Domingues, Laura Aguiar Pastori,
Aline Rodrigues Renovato, Suzanna dos Santos Silva, Ana Paula de Lima Oliveira, Paulo Cézar Simamoto Júnior
Denildo de Magalhães
Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
errucous carcinoma and proliferative verrucous
leukoplakia resemble histopathologically at some stage
of their evolution making the differential diagnosis between
both diseases much more difficult and, as for the final
diagnosis, it often depends on clinical, epidemiological and
histopathological data. A 58-year-old female patient was
admitted to the University’s Dental Care Unit complaining
aboutorallesionswhichhaddevelopedinthelast6months.Atclinical examination, itwas possible toobserve the edentulous
mandible presenting smooth and non- homogeneous white
plaques, with a papillary surface, erythematous areas and
multifocal lesions. Incisional biopsy was performed in five
distinct sites of the edentulous mandible and the samples
were stored under same conditions in 10% formaldehyde and
sent to histopathological analysis at the Federal University
of Uberlândia’s pathological laboratory. Histological sections
revealed: Mucosa epithelium presenting hyperkeratosis and
marked papillomatosis and mild dysplasia, compatible
with verrucous hyperplasia with mild dysplasia. Mucosal
epithelium presenting hyperkeratosis, focal papillomatosis,
slight dysplasia, suggesting the presence of invasion area
(microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma). Summing up,
proliferative verrucous leukoplakia diagnosis relied on clinical
and histopathological data. The patient was referred to the
Cancer Hospital for further treatment. However, this clinical
case report illustrates the aggressive and relentless manner
the need of these patients to have a solid support system.
Speaker Biography
Karine Regina Tolesano Loureiro, PhD student and MSc in dentistry from
the Federal University of Uberlandia. She is a specialist in oral maxillofacial
surgery and traumatology and implantodontics fromPontifica Universidade
Católica de Minas Gerais - Brazil.