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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Volume 3

July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France

Pathology and Surgical Pathology



International Conference on

Prevalence of periodontal disease and adverse events in pregnancy in high risk pregnant

Ana Paula de Lima Oliveira

Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil


eriodontal disease during pregnancy can lead to adverse

outcomes such as preterm delivery, low birth weight

and preeclampsia. In this context, the dental monitoring of

pregnant women with periodontal disease is very important.

Our study aimed to evaluate periodontal health in a group of

high-risk pregnant women (cardiac, hypertensive, diabetic,

among others) who attend the clinic of pregnant women at

the Hospital das Clínicas de Uberlândia - HCU-UFU, Brazil.

Examinations of plaque index, depth of probing, mobility,


to evaluate the degree of loss of periodontal insertion and

the severity of periodontal disease. Oral hygiene instruction

procedures were performed and prophylaxis in pregnant

women and supra and subgingival scaling when necessary. At

the end, the patients' medical records were evaluated to see if

any adverse outcome occurred during pregnancy or delivery.

The majority of pregnant women presented periodontal

disease (78.8%), with higher values for periodontitis and

gingivitis. Most of the pregnant women presented some type

of problem at delivery (58.33% of the patients) and 57.14% of

these women who had problem at delivery had periodontal

disease. Although the results show that most high-risk

pregnant women with periodontal disease presented with

adverse events during labor. However studies with a larger

sample size were necessary to confirm the relationship

between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy events.

Speaker Biography

Ana Paula de Lima Oliveira is a PhD in Periodontology. She completed

the research scholar program in Periodontology at the Forsyth Institute,

Boston, USA and studied oral microbiology and oral immunology at

Harvard Dental Medical School in Boston, USA (2009). She is currently a

professor of periodontology at faculty of dentistry of Federal University

of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais/Brazil, where she does research in the area

of periodontal diseases and systemic disturbance.
