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J Med Oncl Ther 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 4

Oncology and Biomarkers Summit

November 27-28, 2017 | Atlanta, USA

Annual Congress on

Non-correlation between tumor biomarkers levels in peritoneal carcinomatosis

Manuela Stoicescu

University of Oradea, Romania


Peritoneal carcinomatosis is considered the

end stage of cancer, with different locations. Disseminations

of metastases in peritoneumare very dangerous; because the

invasion is extended from the primary tumor to peritoneum.

Of course, we expect that in this advance stage of cancer the

levels of tumor biomarkers to be increase or very increase, in

concordance with the severity of the disease.

Material & Methods:

Present the situation of a woman

patient 73 years old, who suffered a total hysterectomy with

bilateral oophorectomy, with one year a half before, for

carcinoma of the uterus. The patient refuses radiotherapy

and chemotherapy after surgical intervention. After this

period of time develop sudden a clinical picture of occlusion

of the bowel. An abdominal CT was performed and surprise

put in evidence a tumor block in right flank, around the

ascendant colon and catch also a few anses of small bowel

and fluid collection inside of peritoneal cavity around the

liver and around the spleen in medium quantity. The patient

suffered surgical intervention, but the tumor block wasn’t

possible to be removed, was performed only a palliative

surgical intervention with ileostoma (contra nature anus),

drainage of fluid of as cites and resection of omentum.

The analyses of fluid confirmed neoplastic etiology and

histopathology examination from omentum confirmed

metastases in omentum. After laparotomy, the surgeon

observes peritoneal carcinomatosis. The problem was

that all the tumors biomarkers performed before surgical

intervention were in normal range: CE (carcinoma embryonic

antigen) <0,50 ng/mL, feto protein<0,97 ng/mL, CA125<0,5

U/mL, SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) =0,8 ng/mL (normal


Results & Discussions:

The most important question is, how

was possible to be in normal range all these tumor markers

in context of peritoneal carcinomatosis – the end stage of

cancer? Confer us safe the normal results of level of tumor

markers that the patient isn’t in danger or in advance stage

of cancer?


Themost important conclusion of this presentation

is that exist paradoxes a non-correlation between the tumor

biomarkers levels and peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Speaker Biography

Manuela Stoicescu is a Assistant professor in University of Oradea, Romania. She

has completed her Phd in 2010. She has published various books and was invited as

speaker for 12 International Conferences. She is the Member of Romanian Society of

Internal Medicine and Romanian Society of Cardiology. Member of Balcanic Society of

Medicine. She has published many articles.
