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J Med Oncl Ther 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 4

Oncology and Biomarkers Summit

November 27-28, 2017 | Atlanta, USA

Annual Congress on

Identification of novel tumor suppressor through methods of reverse genetics

Zhenglun Zhu

Harvard Medical School, USA


dentifying novel tumor suppressor holds the promise for

improving cancer treatment. Forward genetic screening has

been the primary method for identifying tumor suppressors

and oncogenes. While, the potential of reverse genetics in

deciphering genes critical for tumorigenesis has been widely

expected, the application of the approaches has reminded

limited. By exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying

dorsoventral axis formation during early vertebrate

embryogenesis, we identified the human homeobox protein

VentX as a novel tumor suppressor. We demonstrated that

VentX exerts its function through mechanisms of anti-

proliferation and pro-differentiation. Importantly, we found

that VentX expression can be induced by chemotherapeutic

agents and caused apoptosis of cancer cells in p53-

independent manner. Taken together, our study revealed

the application of reverse genetics in identifying novel tumor

suppressors, and the role of VentX as a novel therapeutic

target in cancer treatment.

Speaker Biography

Zhenglun Zhu is an expert in Fundamental Biology and Translational Medicine. He is

an elected member of the prestigious American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI).

Dr. Zhu discovered novel principle governing cell fate determination during early

embryogenesis and translated the principle into identifying novel tumor suppressor.
