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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Biological treatment of oil spill in Iraqi soil
Hussein Al Nasrawi
Southern Technical University, Iraq
he present study was conducted to identify isolation of fungi
from soil polluted with oil spill from southern area of Iraq
.Three species of fungi were isolated from polluted soil, the
fungi belongs to:
Aspergillus niger, Fusarium sp. and Penicillium
. Only
shows biodegradation ability of crude oil in
liquid medium , in addition to test two white rot fungi Agaricus
bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus. Results revealed that 80%
of hydrocarbons PAHs was biodegraded by A.niger under 25
cº and 75% in 20 and 30 cº. whereas Agaricus bisporus and
Pleurotus ostreatus biodegraded 55% and 50% PAHs under
25 cº and 20,30 cº respectively. Diameter of A.niger colony
revealed 90mm. Growth in PAmediumenriched with 1% crude
oil. The percentage of PAHs degraded by Agaricus bisporus and
Pleurotus ostreatus was 90% in successionwith
and C/N
ratio decreased from 20.5:1 to 18.5:1 in addition to advance of
halnasrawi2@hotmail.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006