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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Comparison of stimulation techniques and production methods used in unconventional reservoirs in
Cherokee Basin, Kansas And Oklahoma, USA
Steven A Tedesco
Energid Energy, USA
oalbed methane and carbonaceous mudstone reservoirs
require unique drilling and completion methods to
minimize reservoir damage and achieve optimal production.
Determining successful drilling and completion techniques
for unconventional reservoirs tends to be a long-term process
that is based on more trial and error. Which particular drilling
or completion method will be optimal may not be known for
years after production has begun from an area. Despite the
success or failure of a particular completion method(s) used,
there are geologic and reservoir characteristics that may be
unknown initially that can have an adverse or positive effect on
production. In 2008 over 7,000 wells were producing from coals
and carbonaceous mudstones for the Cherokee Basin (Figure
1). In 2008 more than 1,000 wells were awaiting completion
or connection to a gathering system. In that same year, drilling
and completions began to slow due to the collapse in gas
prices. By 2009, coal bed methane drilling activity completely
ceased in the Cherokee Basin. The reservoirs are characterized
by low volumes of produced water and production decline
curves similar to conventional gas reservoirs. Drilling for new
coalbed methane and shale gas reservoirs post-2010 is almost
non-existent. The types of completion methods used can be
categorized in to single zone or up to 7 zone completions. The
number of fracture stimulations can be further characterized
by single zone fracture stimulation to multiple zone fracture
stimulation. Specific coals and carbonaceous shales were
consistently gas productive whereas other zones were not.
The data is impacted by drilling methods used, location of
the reservoirs in the basin, water data, completion methods,
and understanding rock properties and compare to actual
production. This paper will present integration of production
and completion data with general geologic data determines:
1) the optimal completion technique (s); 2) specific coals and
carbonaceous shalesaremoreproductive; 3) themediandecline
production profile; 4) optimal areas in which to find production;
and5) howcanproduction rates and total volumes be improved.
Steve@energidenergy.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006