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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Formidable approach to reduce sea pollution caused by heterogeneous hydrocarbons
Seema Dhail
Research Scientist at Instituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Italy
ea pollution by introducing heterogeneous hydrocarbons
due to human pursuit and accidental leakages during
ship operations created drastic environmental issues all over
the world. Although different synthetic methods are used
to abate such pollution, but simultaneously it is affecting
environment in distinct way. Using biosurfactants is one of the
leading techniques for managing diverse pollution caused by
heterogeneous hydrocarbons. Biosurfactants are surface active
molecules synthesized by microorganisms. Due to various
dominance over synthetically produce surfactant, the demand
for biosurfactants has been increasing rapidly to replace their
chemically synthesized counterparts. In present study, isolation
and identification of biosurfactant producing bacteria were
assessed from oil-spilled area of Arabian Sea, Mumbai (INDIA).
To confirm the ability of isolates in Biosurfactant production,
various biosurfactant activity assay tests were performed.
Biosurfactants produced by some marine microorganisms have
been paidmore attention, particularly for the bioremediation of
the sea, polluted by crude oil. Among all of the isolated strains,
strain 1 (Bacillus sp.) exhibit the elevated biosurfactant activity.
The isolated culture filtrate was found to be highly effective in
seemaresearch21@gmail.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006