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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Microalgae to energy
Olapade Olushola
University of Lisbon, Italy
icroalgae, an autotrophic microorganism with rich
nutrition and high photosynthetic utilization degree,
which are widely living in the sea and land. Microalgae can be
converted into bio energy such as biogas, biodiesel and bio
oil. As a result, high lipid content, less cultivated land use and
short life time circle are thought to be the typical advantages
of microalgae that it can be considered as a potential substitute
of fossil fuel. This thesis presents in review on the different
cultivation methods and energy conversion techniques of
microalgae. Through comparison with other biomass feed
stocks, the advantages and disadvantages of microalgae are
detailed. The extraction of lips frommicroalgae to make biofuel
through trans esterification, and the conversion of microalgae
to bio oil through pyrolysis are carefully enumerated.
olusolatomy@yahoo.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006