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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Possibilities of enhance oil recovery in tight carbonate reservoirs
Essa Lwisa
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
ver the years, CO₂ injection has become a leading EOR
method, the method can significantly increase the oil
recovery while at the same time reduces CO₂ emission. CO₂
is considered as an excellent fluid for enhanced oil recovery
due to its favourable interaction with the reservoir oil. the
oil recovery can be enhanced through miscible or immiscible
displacement, interfacial tension reduction, light-hydrocarbons
extraction, oil swelling, oil viscosity reduction. However, the
main disadvantage is the relative low density and viscosity of
CO₂ compared to reservoir oil which usually results in gravity
tonguing and viscous fingering and poor sweep efficiency,
another schemes of injection can be used to eliminate these
problems, are alternating (WAG) or simultaneous injection
of CO₂ and water (SWAG) instead of continuous CO₂ flood.
(CO₂ -enriched) water injection. A fluid consists of CO₂ dissolved
inwaterwill be flooded into the reservoir. In this scheme a larger
amount of CO₂ can be used and dissolved in water without the
risk of leakage of CO
through cap rock in comparison to the
on the formation, dissolving tight pores thus, increasing the
gravity segregation and gas fingering and improves the sweep
efficiency, hence a higher incremental oil recovery is obtained.
The main objective of this research/study is to experimentally
examine the oil recovery performance of carbonated water
under various operating conditions. First, several carbonate
reservoir rock samples will be characterized in terms of pore
volume, porosity and grain density by saturating the samples
with formation water. Second, the initial liquid permeability for
the samples will be measured. Third, preparing the carbonated
water andmeasuring its properties. Lastly, flooding the samples
with carbonated water at various flow rate and measuring
liquid permeability at each rate to verify the best flow rate.
essa.lwisa@uaeu.ac.aeOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006